First ETH Net Zero day

The university's executive board approved the ETH Net Zero programme that will help further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With this step, the university has officially entered a new phase of its endeavours towards net zero.
Factors influencing the adoption and charging of electric vehicles

CSFM Seminar with Dr. Davide Cerruti, Dr. Ursa Bernardic and Professor Massimo Filippini from the Center for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) on latest research results along with insights from Dr. Luca Castiglioni of SFOE/BFE on policy and research, and a industry perspective from Dr. Martin Everts, Managing Director of AMAG Energy & Mobility.
EVAdopt: De-biasing Electric Vehicle Adoption with Personalized Nudging
The team from the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics at ETH Zurich analyzed some of the most important psychological barriers towards increasing EV adoption within the framework of the Mobitiy Initiative program. Here are the main conclusions from the stated choice randomized control trial which have been also discussed also in the last CSFM Seminar.
Automotive (supply) industry in Switzerland

The Swiss Center for Automotive Research (swiss CAR) at the University of Zurich presents their new study on the Swiss automotive and automotive supply industry, followed by further presentations on and from the industry.
Railway Summer Camp 2024
Interested in the railway system? Engineers give students an insight into the railway industry. Register now!