Connected cars, security, control, vision

Prof. Dr. F. Dörfler

Automatic Control Laboratory

Distributed control and optimization in complex, cyber-​physical, and networked systems with applications to smart power grids, robotic coordination, and social networks

Prof. Dr. J. Lygeros

Automatic Control Laboratory

Modeling, analysis, and control of large scale dynamical systems, with applications to biochemical networks, energy systems, transportation, and advanced manufacturing

Control of power electronics, electromechanical systems, renewable energy systems (wind and PV solar), traction systems, robotics

Prof. Dr. M. Pollefeys

Institute for Visual Computing

3D reconstruction of cities from vehicle mounted-cameras, camera-based self-driving cars and fully autonomous vision-based drones

Prof. Dr. S. Tang

Computer Vision and Learning

Computer vision, people tracking and pose estimation, video analysis and understanding, virtual humans, machine learning

Prof. Dr. F. Yu

Computer Vision Lab

Computer-based interpretation of 2D and 3D image data sets

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