Swiss Mobility System - Digital Twin

We are organizing the first technical workshop of the Open Digital Twin Platform of the Swiss Mobility System.

Project idea

To support research and policy making, we are creating a field-​specific Digital Twin of Switzerland and its interactions with neighbouring countries. The Digital Twin of the Swiss mobility system will make use of the data sets and models available on Switzerland. In the long run, it will not only make the unique role and contribution of the center to society visible, but it will also allow different groups at ETH and beyond to build on a high-​quality open-source base for their individual and joint research. We are currently developing an Open Digital Twin Platform for this purpose that enhances and supports Open Research Data (ORD) practices in the wild. 

Project background

The concept of Digital Twins was coined in 2003 to conceptualise the matching of the physical world with a digital representation through some kind of data collection process in an industrial context.1 The idea stuck around and slowly emancipated itself from its industrial roots expanding to various other fields and disciplinary contexts where the simple description makes sense to abstract processes like in smart cities.2 While Digital Twins have found wide applications, they have remained underspecified and carry a very different meaning in different communities. For example, in aviation, Digital Twins stand for similitude of the digital representation to the highest possible physical degree.3 Whereas for Smart Cities, Digital Twins only require eventual consistency,2 i.e., representing some past abstract state of the city correctly such as traffic load or the population in contrast to properly simulating the physical movement of cars and people as similitude would require.

Are these diverse understandings epistemologically incompatible or can they be studied in a common framework that defines Digital Twins as an open standard? Previous work on Digital Twins is limited to prototypes that demonstrate the idea and variations thereof.3,4,5,6,7,8 At the same time, industry is creating standards for Digital Twins that are proprietary and could become the norm by the virtue of simply being there like early web browsers and operating systems. We identified the unique opportunity to create an open standard for Digital Twins right now because we are at the crossroads where the required technologies for Digital Twins are maturing, and we have no default yet.

The ongoing debates have identified the Semantic Web9 as a core technology to make information exchangeable across systems through knowledge graphs upon which Digital Twins could be based.4,6 Whereas an ontology is a crucial component to interact with unknown Digital Twins based on a generic format10 - a Digital Twin is more than just a knowledge exchange platform.11 The systematic nature of Digital Twins makes them a natural candidate to implement FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data standards that guide ORD practices and enable reproducible research.12 In the best case, Digital Twins as an open standard can be a driver of development like the Internet. In the worst case, they could be bogged down in a battle of standards like HD-DVD vs BluRay that slow down adaptation because of uncertainty about which format will eventually become the default. Our project has the opportunity to shift the development towards the best case by developing a consistent open standard that is applicable across domains in cooperation with many stakeholders of a diverse background at the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) and other partners in academia, industry and government.

Industrial players from large multinational companies to consultants are keen to offer their Digital Twin solutions in the hope to fence off significant market shares from the imagined application fields of Digital Twins. The reasons why there is no open standard yet are multitude but include these wild-west assumptions of a large untapped opportunity that can be conquered and fenced off.13 Another issue is that the underlying technologies are only now maturing and are often still under development themselves. This makes early Digital Twins fickle and prone to breaking down. Most current actors hope to be a defining force for Digital Twins to come and therefore try to create facts on the ground. In this fast-paced environment, only few truly open initiatives have been formed. Mostly, they revolve around specific EU projects such as DUET7 or industry platforms such as Bosch’s open IoT ecosystem DITTO. These approaches are often hardware-specific, task-specific, and platform-specific, and ultimately fail to provide a common standard that can be generalised across all Digital Twin applications from mobility over construction to industrial production.

Digital Twins are attractive for many communities because they inherently couple data collection, data analysis and data presentation and provide users ranging from policy makers and researchers to citizens with an integrated view on information. As a point of departure, we will focus on the center’s main area of expertise: mobility. This includes the generation of synthetic populations (SynPops) which are a key component for mobility modelling based on the “New Census” strategy of Switzerland.14 A large number of synthetic population models is available, but their comparison is currently not possible due to the differences in assumptions. Embedding these models in a Digital Twin will allow us to make them comparable and advance the discourse on “SynPops” through validation as well as giving mobility modelling in Switzerland a stronger and open foundation. However, at the same time, we engage other research fields such as energy and land use to come up with a holistic standard that may be deployable across disciplinary boundaries.

On the one hand, the Digital Twin-based ORD practices that were hoped for so far are still lacking.13 On the other hand, we are close to building Open Digital Twins as the constituent components of Digital Twins (see following figure for a detailed explanation of our model) can be implemented with existing ORD solutions.11 The physical and data environment can be provided by projects that implement the Federal Open Data Strategy such as NADIM15 (Nationale Datenvernetzungsinfrastruktur Mobilität), opendata.swiss16 and municipalities and cantons who openly integrate and aggregate mobility knowledge across Switzerland from all available open sources and some access-limited sources as well. The analytical environment of a Digital Twin could be provided by an open-source knowledge infrastructure for collaborative and reproducible data science such as Renku17 implementing, for example synpop models. The virtual environment to access, interact with, and visualise the data can be based on classical dashboards in an Open Street Map18 or SwissTopo19 environment. Eventually, it might be possible to implement them with modern visualisation approaches based on extended reality (XR) applications.11 At the core of this project will be to provide ORD solutions for the connection environment such as developed in the Experiments as Code paradigm that allow us to interlink these ongoing efforts.20 Thereby, we will enable a simple interaction with mobility data and enable reproducible workflows that push ORD practices in mobility research to the next level.

Enlarged view: Swiss digital twin
Generic overview of a Digital Twin generalised from previous work.8,11 The joint environments represent the Digital Twin of an unshown Physical Twin. The interaction between environments produces a model which is often thought of as the Digital Twin. The Physical Environment captures properties of the Physical Twin through sensors and actuators, broadly defined. The Data Environment represent some storage infrastructure that makes the data available. The Analytical Environment provides models and systems to compute higher-order properties of the Digital Twin that cannot be directly derived from the Physical Twin. The Virtual Environment represents the “cockpit” of the Digital Twin where an end-user can interact with the Digital Twin through user interfaces in the form of dashboards, Virtual Reality applications or command line tools. The different Environments are held together by the Connection Environment that will be the core focus of this project to integrate valuable ORD projects in all the other environments into a working Digital Twin. Digital Twin (Illustration: J. Grübel / CSFM | Maps of Switzerland: Adobe Stock)


The CSFM has joined together with the external pageSwiss Data Science Center (SDSC) ORD team to develop the first version of the Digital Twin in 2023. We have received funding support from Swissuniversities in the form of the external pageSwiss Open Research Data Grants which will start in Spring 2023 pending some conditional clarifications. We aim to bring together state of the art ORD practices across domains to ensure an Open Digital Twin Platform that works beyond mobility with an accompanying Open Digital Twin Standard.


Findings and benefits might be the following:

  • Visualize, analyze and understand people and freight transport flows in adequate spatial and temporal evolution depending on Swiss and European economic development, structure, supply chains, etc.
  • Potential locations of production sites of renewable electricity including conversion to synthetic fuels (i.e. geomorphological conditions, transmission grids, etc.)
  • Co-optimization of traffic flows with charging stations, e-catenary system corridors, hydrogen logistics, other relevant infrastructure
  • Empirical insights from behaviour/decision making of consumers/investors on mobility related matters
  • Fleet forecasting

1 Grieves, M., & Vickers, J. (2017). Digital twin: Mitigating unpredictable, undesirable emergent behavior in complex systems. In Transdisciplinary perspectives on complex systems (pp. 85-113). Springer, Cham. DOI: external page10.1007/978-3-319-38756-7_4

2 Batty, M. (2018). Digital twins. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(5), 817-820. DOI: external page10.1177/2399808318796416

3 Glaessgen, E., & Stargel, D. (2012). The digital twin paradigm for future NASA and US Air Force vehicles. 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural dynamics and materials conference. NTRS: external page20120008178

4 Akroyd, J., Mosbach, S., Bhave, A., & Kraft, M. (2021). Universal digital twin-a dynamic knowledge graph. Data-Centric Engineering, 2. DOI: external page10.1017/dce.2021.10

5 Anda, C., Medina, S. A. O., & Axhausen, K. W. (2021). Synthesising digital twin travellers: Individual travel demand from aggregated mobile phone data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128, 103118. DOI: external page10.3929/ethz-b-000477530

6 Boje, C., Guerriero, A., Kubicki, S., & Rezgui, Y. (2020). Towards a semantic Construction Digital Twin: Directions for future research. Automation in Construction, 114, 103179. DOI: external page10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103179

7 Raes, L., Michiels, P., Adolphi, T., Tampere, C., Dalianis, T., Mcaleer, S., & Kogut, P. (2021). DUET: a framework for building secure and trusted digital twins of smart cities. IEEE Internet Computing. DOI: external page10.1109/MIC.2021.3060962

8 Tao, F., & Zhang, M. (2017). Digital twin shop-floor: a new shop-floor paradigm towards smart manufacturing. IEEE Access, 5, 20418-20427. DOI: external page10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2756069

9 Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., & Lassila, O. (2001). The semantic web. Scientific American, 284(5), 34-43. DownloadPDF

10 McGuinness, D. L., & Van Harmelen, F. (2004). OWL web ontology language overview. W3C recommendation, 10(10), 2004. URL: external page

11 Grübel, J., Thrash, T., Aguilar, L., Gath-Morad, M., Chatain, J., Sumner, R. W., Hölscher, C., & Schinazi, V. R. (2022). The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fused Twins: A Review of Access to Digital Twins In Situ in Smart Cities. Remote Sensing, 14(13). DOI: external page10.3929/ethz-b-000557717

12 Schultes, E., Roos, M., da Silva Santos, L. O. B., Guizzardi, G., Bouwman, J., Hankemeier, T., ... & Mons, B. (2022). FAIR Digital Twins for Data-Intensive Research. Frontiers in Big Data, 5. DOI: external page10.3389/fdata.2022.883341

13 Roest, M. (2019). An Open Source Platform for Digital Twins?. LinkedIn. URL: external page [Accessed 30 March 2022]

14 Müller, K., & Axhausen, K. W. (2011). Hierarchical IPF: Generating a synthetic population for Switzerland. 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International (ERSA 2011), Barcelona. DOI: external page10.3929/ethz-a-006620748

15 Federal Office of Transport (2022). Data for an efficient mobility system. URL: external page [Accessed 30 March 2022]

16 Confederation, Cantons, & Communes. (2022). Swiss Open Government Data. URL: external page

17 Swiss Data Science Center. (2022). Renku. URL: external page

18 OSM contributors. (2022). Open Street Map. URL: external page

19 Federal Office of Topography (2022). Geoinformation and Geodata. URL: external page

20 Aguilar, L., Gath-Morad, M., Grübel, J., Ermatinger, J., Zhao, H., Wehrli, S., & Hölscher, C. (2022). Experiments as Code: A Concept for Reproducible, Auditable, Debuggable, Reusable, & Scalable Experiments. arXiv preprint 2202.12050. DOI: external page10.48550/arXiv.2202.12050


Dr. Gloria Romera Guereca
  • UNO D 12
  • +41 44 633 80 06

Universitätstrasse 41
8092 Zürich

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