News and events
All stories that have been tagged with News
Competition and cooperation in transportation network operations
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- News
- External
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- News
- External

Systemic view on the strategic interactions of future mobility offers - Researchers from MIT and ETH Zurich have developed a new planning tool
Recap 2024
- News
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The CSFM annual report reviews and outlines all activites and measures from last year.
What location data reveals about you
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Location data allows rich insights into private details about our lives: where we live and work, how we spend our free time and what is important to us. Nina Wiedemann explains security risks and business models with our data.
Cycling research survey
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- E-Bike City
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- E-Bike City

Within the framework of the E-Bike City our colleagues from the Mobility Information Engineering Lab are conducting a survey to understand cycling experiences. Their goal is to help define guidelines to improve planning tools as well as cycling infrastructure. Please, feel free to collaborate by participating in the survey or sharing this information.
Mobility Initiative: Call for proposals
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The 8th call for research projects is open now. ETH Zurich researchers can submit proposals until the deadline 11 April 2025.
SBB Challenge
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
- News

Are you ready to shape the future of mobility? The Innovation Booster New Mobility Lab invites you to tackle pressing challenges in the mobility sector using artificial intelligence and robotics!
Detection and Assessment of Railway Substructure Moisture Problems at Using Remote Sensing Systems
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The Mobility Initiative project Early Detection and Assessment of Railway Substructure Moisture Problems at National to Local Scale Using Spaceborne, Airborne and Train-Based Remote Sensing Systems, or short REASSESS, has been concluded in June 2024.
Introducing the new CSFM transportation data catalogue
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

We are happy to announce the launch of an initial inventory of datasets collected and maintained by CSFM members. The inventory with links to the data, metadata and contact person is now available on the CSFM website!
Maintaining train schedule STABILITY and managing time table reserves via digitalised railway intervention planning.
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

A recently concluded research project funded by the Mobility Initiative and conducted by the Chair of Infrastructure Management led by Professor Bryan Adey together with SBB experts proposed methodologies to help asset managers plan future interventions more effectively and efficiently using digital tools.
New Mobility Initiative projects approved
- News
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The Future Mobility program is a long-term research program focusing on solutions that address decarbonization, digitalization and infrastructure development in the coming decades. Projects approved under this framework provide a unique opportunity for close collaboration with the Mobility Initiative industry partners which are AMAG, SBB and Siemens.
Multimodality in the Swiss New Normal, new insights and evidence released under the recently concluded Mobility Initiative project
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The team composed by Daniel Heimgartner, Aurore Sallard and Milos Balac from Kay W. Axhausen's chair investigated the mobility behavior in a new normal, characterized by a large population share adopting working from home.
The CSFM Symposium on 29 May 2024
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) Symposium 2024 was hosted at ETH Zurich on May 29th. The event featured interesting presentations on Mobility Initiative projects as well as keynotes from Marta González, Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, and Juho-Pekka Virtanen, Product Owner of the Digital Twin at the Forum Virium Helsinki.
Pioneer in mobile robotics
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- Common Tags
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- Awards
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- Common Tags
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- Awards

Our colleague and CSFM member Marco Hutter, who is also actively working on Mobility Initiative projects, has been awarded the Rössler Prize, which is the most endowed research award at ETH Zurich.
How can we tax electric cars without slowing down the electromobility transition?
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The federal government has plans to tax electric vehicles to secure funding for road infrastructure. However, a new levy could delay the switch to electromobility. Alessio Levis and Professor Thomas Bernauer explain how this dilemma could be resolved.
OMISM: On-board Monitoring for Integrated Systems Understanding & Management Improvement in Railway
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
First ETH Net Zero day
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The university's executive board approved the ETH Net Zero programme that will help further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With this step, the university has officially entered a new phase of its endeavours towards net zero.
EVAdopt: De-biasing Electric Vehicle Adoption with Personalized Nudging
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
The team from the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics at ETH Zurich analyzed some of the most important psychological barriers towards increasing EV adoption within the framework of the Mobitiy Initiative program. Here are the main conclusions from the stated choice randomized control trial which have been also discussed also in the last CSFM Seminar.
Automotive (supply) industry in Switzerland
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The Swiss Center for Automotive Research (swiss CAR) at the University of Zurich presents their new study on the Swiss automotive and automotive supply industry, followed by further presentations on and from the industry.
Railway Summer Camp 2024
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
Interested in the railway system? Engineers give students an insight into the railway industry. Register now!
Call #1 for the Innovation Booster of the New Mobility Lab
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Do you have an idea for a new product, service, process, or business model that may support the decarbonization of the transport system? Then this is for you! Join the recently launched Innovation Booster New Mobility Lab. The first call for ideas has recently opened. Submit your idea and connect with this growing ecosystem of experts and potential partners.
Recap 2023
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The CSFM annual report reviews and outlines all activites and measures from last year.
Mobility Initiative: Call for proposals
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The 7th call for research projects is open now. ETH Zurich researchers can submit proposals until the deadline 31 May 2023.
Why we need to know more about individual carbon footprints
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Information on the impact that different segments of the population have on the climate is an essential ingredient in making climate policy measures fair and acceptable to the majority.
INTERACT – Deep learning algorithms for improved predictive railway wheel maintenance
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Railway wheels are safety-critical components that significantly impact performance and they are major cost drivers for maintenance. The condition of the wheels also influences the infrastructure. Furthermore, wheel defects cause noise and vibration emissions, impacting the environment and they significantly reduce customer comfort.
Eva Heinen appointed full professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The ETH Board appointed Eva Heinen, currently Full Professor at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, as Full Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering.
Energy Week @ ETH 2023
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Bridging research, education, and outreach across departments and research fields to answer the energy challenges of today and tomorrow. Join mobility related topics and events during the Energy Week 2023 at ETH Zurich and online.
3D printed reactor core makes solar fuel production more efficient
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Using a new 3D printing technique, researchers from the group of André Studart, Professor of Complex Materials, and the group of Aldo Steinfeld, Professor of Renewable Energy Carriers, at ETH Zurich have developed ceramic structures with complex pore geometries to transport solar radiation more efficiently into the solar reactor’s interior.
Heavy trucks likely not zero-emission in the near future
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Without political measures for zero-emission technologies, a significant proportion of heavy goods vehicles will still run on diesel in 2035. This result is shown in a new ETH Zurich study on the decarbonisation of truck traffic. The summary prepared by Christoph Elhardt for ETH News features CSFM researchers Professor Tobias Schmidt and Bessie Noll from the Energy and Technology Policy Group at ETH Zurich.
New Mobility Initiative projects approved
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The Future Mobility program is a long-term research program focusing on solutions that address decarbonization, digitalization, and infrastructure development in the coming decades. Projects approved under this framework provide a unique opportunity for close collaboration with the Mobility Initiative industry partners AMAG, SBB, and Siemens.
Towards commercial solar production of sustainable transportation fuels
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

ETH Zurich, jointly with industrial partners Synhelion, SBB, and AMAG, recently completed a comprehensive technical, economic and environmental analysis of the solar thermochemical production of drop-in fuels.
Emilio Frazzoli new chairperson of the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Professor Emilio Frazzoli is the new chairperson of the center and takes over from Professor Kay Axhausen. Professor Martin Raubal will be his deputy in this role.
The CSFM Symposium on 6 June 2023
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) Symposium 2023 was hosted at ETH Zurich on June 6th. The event featured exciting presentations on three Mobility Initiative projects and keynotes from Volkswagen AG, Synhelion SA and SBB.
Global Research Outreach 2023
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Cooperation
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Cooperation

Annual call for innovative research proposals open now to leading universites. This is an opportunity for your funding and collaboration of future mobility research projects.
«smart moves»: Sustainably towards net zero
- Mobility
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- News
- Mobility
In order to further improve the mobility infrastructure at ETH, we need your feedback. Please take part in a short survey.
ETH News for Industry feature Mobility Initiative project
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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The ETH News for Industry feature a new video on one of our Mobility Initiative projects called SUNFUELS.
Scheduling methods for automated railway timetabling
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

ETH Zurich together with SBB addressed the issue in a project funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative.
Seminar Series on sustainable transportation successfully launched!
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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We are hiring
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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Post-doc positions on the Open Digital Twin Platform with a focus on data acquisition and data visualisation in Switzerland.
Yes, Swiss can!
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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The Federal Office of Transport organized in collaboration with the CSFM last February an event to inform about Switzerland's participation in Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail).
Launch of call 2023 in "Mobility Research"
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

The Mobility research programme promotes research directed towards a smart and sustainable transformation of the transport system in line with the SFOE climate targets and energy strategy.
Mobility Initiative: Call for proposals
- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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The 6th call for research projects is open now. ETH Zurich researchers can submit proposals until the deadline 9 June 2023.
A transformer robot designed for last-mile delivery
- Mobility
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- Mobility

ETH Zurich's Robotic Systems Lab created the Swiss Mile robot, who is to be believed to be key to automating our cities. Professor Marco Hutter is working on automated machines within a MI project from the CSFM.
AIChE Sustainable Engineering Forum Research Award 2022
- Mobility
- Chemistry
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- Awards
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- Mobility
- Chemistry
- Awards

Significant technical contributions to research and development activities relative to the sustainability of products, processes, or the environment.
To what extent is MaaS changing travel behavior?
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- Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

ETH Zurich together with SBB addressed the issue in a project funded by the ETH Mobility Initiative.
Six new Mobility Initiative projects approved
- Mobility
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- Mobility
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The Future Mobility program is a long-term research program focusing on solutions that address decarbonization, digitalization, and infrastructure development in the coming decades. Projects approved under this framework provide a unique opportunity for close collaboration with the Mobility Initiative industry partners which are AMAG, SBB, and Siemens. The following projects were approved and will be starting soon.
Fuel of the future: Combat climate change with solar kerosene
- Mobility
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- Mobility
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Concentrated sunlight can be used to produce syngas which is a raw material for fuel production.
Pioneering project on the traffic of the future: How do pedestrians react to automated vehicles?
- Mobility
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- News
- Mobility

What is the design for a sustainable and safe mobility system for all road users? Our CSFM faculty member Dr Miriam Elser is looking for answers.
The Federal Council provides landspaces along national roads free of charge for renewable energy production
- Sustainability
- Mobility
- Civil engineering
- Spatial planning
- Climate sciences
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- News
- Sustainability
- Mobility
- Civil engineering
- Spatial planning
- Climate sciences

Investigations have shown that the potential of photovoltaics along the national roads sums about 55 GWh per year, This is roughly the consumption of 11,000 4-person households.
Solar kerosene: One giant leap for humankind
- Energy sciences
- Sustainability
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- News
- Energy sciences
- Sustainability

The production of kerosene directly from carbon dioxide and water promises to be a game-changer in the energy field.
Carbon-neutral jet fuel? Scientists In Europe say they’ve successfully created synthetic kerosene
- Mobility
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- News
- Mobility

Professor Steinfeld's research team, jointly with EU partners, demonstrate the thermochemical production of kerosene from water and CO2 in a solar tower fuel plant.
Energy transition in Switzerland - Where do we stand after five years?
- Energy sciences
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- Energy sciences
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Professor Tobias Schmidt explains economic advantages, power consumption and security of energy supplies.
The electromobility roadmap starts a new stage until 2025
- Mobility
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- Mobility

The electromobility roadmap, which has been running successfully since 2018, will be strengthened and extended until 2025.
One can hardly see climate-friendly technology in the industry
- Environmental sciences
- Political science
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- News
- Environmental sciences
- Political science

Interview with Anthony Patt on climate policy measures, new technologies and the energy transition.
How to implement the climate targets at last
- Climate sciences
- Political science
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- News
- Climate sciences
- Political science

We have got the knowledge and the solutions. But what are the politicians waiting for? Professor Anthony Patt and Professor Reto Knutti in the Science talk from Radio SRF 2 KULTUR.
Interview with the CSFM Chairman in the ETH News
- Mobility
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- Mobility

In the race to combat climate change, sustainable transport systems can play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. As well as focusing on the technological issues at stake, current research also investigates whether there is public acceptance for the changes.
Swiss politicians call for lower petrol prices
- Political science
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- Political science
The climate targets can be achieved
- Climate sciences
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- Climate sciences
On the way to climate-neutral road traffic
- Energy sciences
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- Energy sciences
- News

Road traffic is currently responsible for more than 30% of Switzerland's greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing these emissions is not easy.
We can curb climate change
- Sustainability
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- News
- Sustainability

Let Professor Anthony Patt highlight three remarkably positive trends in the third section of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
How is the climate doing?
- Climate sciences
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- Climate sciences

Interview with Professor Anthony Patt who is co-author of the Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and member of the CSFM steering committee.
Fuel made out of sunlight and air? That's possible
- Energy sciences
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- Energy sciences
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Swiss startup Synhelion is launching production of a carbon-neutral and sustainable aviation fuel in 2023 that can potentially be mass produced.
What do we really know about the acceptance of battery electric vehicles?
- Mobility
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- Mobility

Many existing studies cannot be replicated because the respective data is unavailable, neither publicly accessible nor on request. This is only one of the few problems. From a scientific point of view, we do not seem to know much about BEV acceptance.
Game theory to study interactions between mobility stakeholders
- Mobility
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- Awards
- News
- Mobility
- Awards

The CSFM project lead by Gioele Zardini received the best paper award at the 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Watt d'Or 2022
- Mobility
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- Awards
- News
- Mobility
- Awards
Digitalized public transport systems: Understanding, predicting, improving
- Mobility
- Mathematics
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- Mobility
- Mathematics

D-BAUG Science Talk by Professor Francesco Corman from the Transport Systems research group (TS) at the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT).
Co-design of embodied intelligence: A structured approach
- Robotics
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- Robotics
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Gioele Zardini's presentation at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).